Former football player seriously injured after traffic accident, brother died – Football News

Former football player seriously injured after traffic accident, brother died – Football News
Former football player seriously injured after traffic accident, brother died – Football News

Sad news from Nigeria. Former Nigeria international Tijjani Babangida was seriously injured in a traffic accident there. His brother Ibrahim is also said to have died in that accident.

The accident is said to have occurred The Telegraph happened on the highway from Kaduna to Zaria. Tijjani Babangida was said to have been taken to hospital in a critical condition, but he is said to be stable. His brother Ibrahim is said to have died.

Tijjani’s wife was also in the car and was admitted to Zaria hospital with injuries. The circumstances of the accident are not yet known, but will most likely be further investigated.

Former player of Ajax Amsterdam

50-year-old Tijjani Babangida is the better known of the two brothers. He was an international for his country and played for Roda JC and Ajax Amsterdam, among others. His brother played for Volendam, among others.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone who is affected by this news, the family and friends of the Babangida family, much strength in difficult days and much recovery to Tijjani Babangida himself.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: football player injured traffic accident brother died Football News
