Putin warns West about world conflict: ‘Let us not be threatened’


NOS Newstoday, 11:59

Russian President Putin said in a speech that he will not be threatened by other countries. He says the West risks a world conflict and that Russia’s nuclear weapons units are “ready day and night.”

The speech on Red Square in Moscow was on the occasion of Victory Day. That is the day on which Russia commemorates the surrender of Nazi Germany in 1945. It is one of the country’s most important holidays and is traditionally celebrated with military parades.

Putin says “arrogant Western leaders” forget that the Soviet Union played a decisive role in defeating Nazi Germany and are fueling conflict. “We know where the excess of such ambitions leads.”

The military parade in honor of the holiday was slightly less sober than last year. Then there was only one tank from World War II on Red Square. Analysts at the time pointed to the invasion of Ukraine to explain the pared-back parade. Russia could spare little equipment for a show.

This time it was again sober, but there were several military vehicles in the parade. Fighter planes also flew past with trails in the colors of the Russian flag. Normally there are also people walking with portraits of soldiers who died in the Second World War, but that parade was canceled just like last year.

An impression of the parade and Putin’s speech:

Victory Day in Moscow: show of force and threatening language

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Putin warns West world conflict threatened
