Live elections | On the eve of May 8, Vooruit will focus fully on the fight against the extreme right

Live elections | On the eve of May 8, Vooruit will focus fully on the fight against the extreme right
Live elections | On the eve of May 8, Vooruit will focus fully on the fight against the extreme right

Kristof Calvo: “The N-VA created the Vivaldi government”

During the debate on the declaration to revise the Constitution, Kristof Calvo (Green) and Sander Loones (N-VA) took the floor on Tuesday night. The two MPs leave the House. Calvo wants to become an alderman in the city of Mechelen. Loones had to make way for Jean-Marie Dedecker and is moving to the Flemish parliament.

“The fact that, as a retiring Member of Parliament, I am freed from electoral stress gives me the opportunity to occasionally look at the issue with some distance and sobriety,” Calvo said. “You created the Vivaldi coalition! The N-VA, which toppled the Swedish government over the UN Migration Pact, created the Vivaldi coalition,” he snapped at Loones. “Bart De Wever, who is in the studio of Terzake (then Open VLD chairman) Egbert Lachaert threatens to let go of his then good friend Georges-Louis Bouchez, has created the Vivaldi coalition! Bart De Wever, who was the master strategist at that time and brought me back from the Opal Coast (where Calvo was collecting shells, ed.) to play us against the blue, the Vivaldi coalition has created.”

“We had to return, because he would choose. We were suddenly welcome in Koningstraat (the headquarters of the N-VA, ed.). I asked De Wever which WiFi network I could use: N-VA Guest or N-VA Personnel? For now I had to use N-VA Guest. So we were brought back from holiday, because the Greens and the Liberals were going to be played off against each other. The master strategist, Bart De Wever, would get his way. However, the master strategist then created the Vivaldi coalition by playing us off against each other and bringing me back from vacation, which made me a bit annoying.”

Loones contradicted Calvo. “The Vivaldi government came into being because Open VLD simply had too few ministers in our crisis government (which De Wever promised to lead, ed.) would receive. We wanted to create a government with ten, namely five Dutch-speaking and five French-speaking ministers. So there was only room for one Open VLD member and that was far too few. Thus the Vvivaldi government was born.”

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Live elections eve Vooruit focus fully fight extreme
