Live Gaza | Israel increases pressure on Hamas with new airstrikes on Rafah


Live Gaza | Israël verhoogt druk op Hamas met nieuwe luchtaanvallen op Rafah

Hallo en welkom in dit liveblog. Hier houden we je op de hoogte van de ontwikkelingen rond de situatie in Gaza en de oorlog tussen Israël en Hamas. 
  • Hamas accepteert voorstel tot wapenstilstand
  • Israël stuurt een delegatie om over het voorstel te onderhandelen
  • Zware bombardementen op Rafah


maandag 6 mei om 23:43

Jordanië: ‘Inval Rafah kan staakt-het-vuren in gevaar brengen’
De Jordaanse minister van Buitenlandse zaken waarschuwt Israël voor de gevolgen van een inval in Rafah. Zo’n operatie kan een eventuele totstandkoming van een wapenstilstand in de Gazastrook in gevaar brengen, zegt minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Ayman Safadi.

“Er zijn enorme inspanningen geleverd om tot een uitwisselingsovereenkomst te komen die gijzelaars zal vrijlaten en een staakt-het-vuren zal bewerkstelligen”, schrijft Safadi op X. “Hamas heeft een aanbod gedaan. Als Netanyahu echt een deal wil, zal hij serieus over het aanbod onderhandelen. In plaats daarvan brengt hij de deal in gevaar door Rafah te bombarderen.”

maandag 6 mei om 23:02

Relatives of the hostages and supporters block a road in Tel Aviv during a demonstration to free the hostages held by Hamas.

Monday May 6 at 10:51 PM

Palestinian Islamic Jihad fires rockets at Israel
In response to the Israeli bombing of Rafah, the Al Quds Brigade is now also firing rockets at Israel, reports Al Jazeera. That is the armed wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

The rockets were fired at Sderot, which borders the Gaza Strip. The Israeli army reports that the air raid siren went off.

Monday May 6 at 10:34 PM

Pressure on Netanyahu from all sides
It will be exciting hours and days for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. The pressure from all sides is growing enormously now that a ceasefire proposal has been submitted with the approval of Hamas.

Hardliners in the wartime government, such as Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, have dismissed the proposal as a political “game” by Hamas. They want Israel to continue fighting Hamas unabated, including a military ground operation in Rafah.

At the same time, there is pressure from the families of hostages to use the current proposal to free the hostages. Families of the hostages are currently protesting in Tel Aviv to put pressure on the government. Netanyahu is performing an impressive balancing act: he sends a delegation to Cairo to discuss the proposal, but continues to bomb Rafah unabated.

Monday May 6 at 10:11 PM

UN boss calls on Israel and Hamas: ‘Take extra steps to reach a truce’
United Nations Secretary General António Guterres calls on Israel and Hamas to do their best to reach a peace truce and “end the current suffering.”

Guterres is very concerned about the impending Israeli invasion of Rafah. “We are already seeing the movement of people. Many of them are in desperate humanitarian condition and have been constantly displaced,” a spokesperson for the UN chief said in a statement.

Monday May 6 at 9:42 PM

In response to the news that Hamas has agreed to a proposed ceasefire, Israeli demonstrators took to the streets of Tel Aviv. They demand that their government bring the Israeli hostages home safely.

Monday May 6 at 9:25 PM

Israel carries out heavy bombardments on Rafah to increase pressure on Hamas
Netanyahu announces to continue operations in Rafah. The Israeli war cabinet wants to put pressure on Hamas to release all Israeli hostages. Shortly afterwards, the army confirmed it was carrying out new airstrikes on eastern Rafah.

It works, according to a local journalist from the news agency AFP for heavy bombing of Rafah. According to the reporter, bombs fell continuously on the city in southern Gaza for thirty minutes.

Israel reiterates a call for Palestinians to leave Rafah as it prepares for a ground offensive in the city.

Monday May 6 at 9:23 PM

Israel sends delegation to negotiate, but is skeptical about deal
Benjamin Netanyahu says he will send an Israeli delegation to negotiate the ceasefire proposal that Hamas agreed to earlier this evening. However, he emphasizes that the proposal certainly does not meet Israel’s requirements for the time being.

Monday May 6 at 9:13 PM


On Monday evening, Hamas announced that it had agreed to an Egyptian and Qatari proposal for a ceasefire. Israel has not yet responded to the proposal. This is what we know so far.

Monday May 6 at 8:37 PM

American security adviser cannot provide additional information
At a press conference at the White House, US National Security Advisor John Kirby was unable to provide any new information. Kirby indicated that the ceasefire proposal was “currently being considered” and that the Americans were discussing it with “partners in the region.”

“We are working hard to reach a ceasefire,” the security adviser said. “I don’t want to say anything here that will jeopardize that process.”

Whether Israel will also agree remains unclear. Kirby also said that US President Joe Biden spoke with King Abdullah II of Jordan on Monday about the situation in Gaza and efforts to free Israeli hostages.

Monday May 6 at 8:17 PM


People in Rafah celebrate Hamas agreeing to a ceasefire deal. But there is still no official response from Jerusalem and the first signals are not very positive. The current deal would not meet Israeli demands.

Monday May 6 at 8:09 PM

Hamas provides insight into the deal it has agreed to
A senior Hamas official has explained the deal it agreed to. The truce proposal foresees a complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip.

That should happen in the second of a total of three phases. Each phase has 42 days, the top official explains.

Monday May 6 at 8:06 PM

Israeli Minister: Hamas ‘playing games’ by sharing ceasefire news
For the first time, there has also been a response from the government of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. Radical right-wing security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir says Hamas is “playing games” by sharing news of the ceasefire.

Ben-Gvir is considered one of the most radical ministers in the government. He is putting pressure on Netanyahu to take tough action in the Gaza Strip and not give in to calls from Western allies to moderate the violence.

“Increase military pressure and continue with the complete destruction of Hamas,” he said, according to the news channel Al Jazeera in a social media post.

Monday May 6 at 7:52 PM

Israeli army spokesperson: ‘We are investigating every answer’
When asked, a spokesperson for the Israeli army would not comment on a possible ceasefire. “We are examining every response and response (from Hamas) and exploring every possibility regarding negotiations and getting the hostages back,” the spokesperson said.

Monday May 6 at 7:48 PM


Palestinians in Rafah cheer after Hamas agrees to a ceasefire. The only question is whether this ceasefire will come about. Israel does not appear to find the terms of Egypt and Qatar’s proposal acceptable, but has not yet responded openly.

Monday May 6 at 7:43 PM

No official response yet from Israel
There has been no official response from Israel to the ceasefire proposal. Reuters reports, based on an anonymous official, that the proposal is “not acceptable”, but Netanyahu’s government has not yet spoken out openly.

Monday May 6 at 7:41 PM

White House gives press conference at 8:15 p.m
The White House will hold a press conference at 8:15 PM (Dutch time). This will likely share more information about the conversation between Biden and Netanyahu. National Security Advisor John Kirby will also elaborate on the ceasefire proposal.

Monday May 6 at 7:40 PM

Biden convinces Netanyahu to reopen attacked border post
US President Joe Biden called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier today. The White House said Netanyahu has pledged to reopen the Kerem Shalom border crossing between Israel and the Gaza Strip for humanitarian transport.

The border crossing just a few kilometers from Rafah was attacked by Hamas yesterday, killing four Israeli soldiers. In response, Israel closed the transition. Biden urged Netanyahu to allow aid again.

Monday May 6 at 7:32 PM

Israel is still ‘studying’ the situation
The Israeli Channel 12 reports that the Israeli negotiating team is “studying” Hamas’ response. An official response should follow shortly.

Monday May 6 at 7:24 PM

Anonymous Israeli official calls deal a Hamas trick
According to the Israeli official who met Reuters says, Hamas’s agreement is a “ruse.” It would be a way to portray Israel as the party that is obstructing an agreement. The official wishes to remain anonymous.

Monday May 6 at 7:21 PM


Many residents of Rafah have already fled to the tents set up by the Israeli army nearby.

Monday May 6 at 7:19 PM


Why negotiations between Israel and Hamas are stuck
Israel and Hamas have been negotiating a ceasefire for months without success. The Israeli army’s call to evacuate Palestinian civilians does not make things any easier. What is going on and why are the negotiations stuck? Read it here.

Monday May 6 at 7:17 PM

Israel does not agree to proposal
Israel does not agree to the ceasefire proposal, Israeli media and news agency report Reuters. The mediators’ proposal is “a softened version”, quotes Reuters an Israeli official. It would also contain “far-reaching conclusions” that Israel does not agree with. The proposal is therefore not acceptable to Israel.

Monday May 6 at 7:14 PM

Attack on Rafah seems imminent
While mediators in Cairo discussed a ceasefire, Israel appeared to be preparing an offensive on the south of the Gaza Strip in recent days. The Israeli army called on residents of the Rafah border region to evacuate.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said several times that the offensive was necessary to “destroy” Hamas and that calling off the attack was therefore not an option even if a truce were reached.

Monday May 6 at 7:08 PM

Hamas accepts mediators’ file
Hamas agrees to a proposed ceasefire in Gaza. The Palestinian group informed Egyptian and Qatari mediators in Cairo. In a statement, Hamas said its leader Ismail Haniya had informed Qatar’s prime minister and the head of Egypt’s intelligence service.

What exactly the agreement entails has not yet been announced. Earlier there was talk of a ceasefire and a prisoner exchange between Israel and Hamas.

It is not yet clear whether Israel also agrees to the proposal.

Beeld: Reuters

Lees meer over:

Israël Palestijnse Gebieden Israëlisch-Palestijns conflict

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Live Gaza Israel increases pressure Hamas airstrikes Rafah
