Paraguay president defends ties with Taiwan | Taiwan News


TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – Paraguay President Santiago Pena expressed “unwavering” support for Taiwan in an interview with Japan’s Yomiuri Shimbun on Thursday (May 2)

The interview came one day before Pena met with Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio. Bilateral talks between Paraguay and Japan focused on an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).

Paraguay is Taiwan’s only diplomatic ally in South America. However, in recent years, Paraguay has come under increasing pressure to switch diplomatic relations from Taiwan to China, per Japan News.

In response, Pena said, “We believe that our relationship with Japan and the United States should serve as a shield. Support for Paraguay will also support Taiwan.” Paraguay values ​​friendly relations with Taiwan, though the topic is often discussed with allies and domestic groups.

For example, Pena said Brazil President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has frequently suggested Paraguay establish diplomatic relations with China. As a landlocked country of seven million people in South America, Paraguay has often stood up to more powerful neighbors such as Chile, Argentina, and Brazil.

“Our position regarding Taiwan is unwavering. However, the stronger our stance, the greater the pressure from countries seeking to dissolve our relationship,” said Pena. Another group calling for a switch in relations comes from local farmers producing soybeans and beef who are blocked from exporting to China due to Taiwan relations.

During Paraguay’s presidential election last year, opposition candidates called to cut ties with Taiwan as a way of boosting the local economy. Pena admitted public pressure as he said, “The question is, how long can we endure? How much pressure, accompanied by pain, will we have to bear?”

Pena said he believes the struggle to defend Taiwan was worthwhile and potentially an inspiration for other countries. “If we can demonstrate that maintaining relations with Taiwan is in the national interest, Paraguay can become a beacon for other countries,” the president said.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Paraguay president defends ties Taiwan Taiwan News
