Spanish government stops awarding the best bullfighter: “Out of date”

Spanish government stops awarding the best bullfighter: “Out of date”
Spanish government stops awarding the best bullfighter: “Out of date”


The Spanish government is abolishing the prize for the best bullfighter. According to Minister of Culture Ernest Urtasun, the prize does not fit “the new social and cultural reality”.

The prize included a check for 30,000 euros. But according to Urtasun, “there is a social majority among Spaniards that is increasingly aware of animal welfare.” “I think that the majority of Spaniards understand less and less why animal abuse takes place in our country, and even less why this abuse is rewarded with public money,” he explains his decision.

The conservative opposition party Partido Popular is critical of the decision. The party believes that bullfighting is part of Spanish culture. According to the party, by abolishing the prize, the minister shows that he “does not believe in cultural diversity or freedom”. The party says it will reinstate the award if it returns to power.

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