Podcast Rebelle, US criminalizes the homeless, Mumia Abu-Jamal for Palestine and documentary about capitalism


In this episode of Tegendraads there is both reading, listening and viewing material, with a diverse offering: the podcast of the women’s association Rebelle, attention to political prisoners and the criminalization of homelessness in the US, and finally a documentary by ARTE about American capitalism.

Screenshot rebelle-vzw.be

The women’s association Rebelle has been nominated for the Belgian Podcast Awards. In this series of four podcasts, Rebelle Openhearted, the organization addresses the issue of gender inequality in healthcare. Women’s specific health problems are still not adequately recognized and treated.

Free Mumia demonstration in Philadelphia, April 24, 2024. Photo: Joe Piette/workers.org

All political prisoners, anywhere in the world, deserve our attention. You hardly hear anything about it, but people are also being held prisoner in the US because of their political ideas. Mumia Abu-Jamal was sentenced to death in 1982 – commuted to life in prison after heavy international pressure – for murdering a police officer in a trial that violated every standard of due process. On April 24, 2024, his 70th birthday, he addressed pro-Palestinian demonstrators from his cell.

Triangle Park, Washington DC. Photo: Elvert Barnes/CC BY-SA 2:0

Several US states are enacting laws that make homelessness criminal, even when no shelter is available. Having a blanket or a tent on the street will become a punishable offense. The Federal Supreme Court will decide after a complaint whether these laws are constitutional – given its reactionary composition, the worst may be feared. The number of homeless people was estimated at 653,000 in 2023, the highest number since counts started in 2007. 53% of homeless people have work and an income, but insufficient to pay rent for housing.

Screenshot arte.tv

Instead of watching yet another brain-dead series on some streaming site, a person can combine the useful, educational with the pleasant, such as with this three-part documentary on the ARTE channel about the history of capitalism under the title ‘Capitalisme américain, le culte de la richesse’. First episode ‘Le paradis des millionaires (1870-1920)’, second episode ‘Faire casquer les riches (1921-1946)’, third episode ‘Qui veut gagner des milliards?’.


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The article is in Dutch

Tags: Podcast Rebelle criminalizes homeless Mumia AbuJamal Palestine documentary capitalism
