Live journalism by Zutphen student | Culture

Live journalism by Zutphen student | Culture
Live journalism by Zutphen student | Culture

7 minutes ago

To read aloud

ZUTPHEN – Jasmijn Apte from Zutphen will graduate for her bachelor’s degree in journalism with a live journalism evening. The student hopes to organize an inspiring evening with the combination of art and journalism.

In terms of content, the evening is about the impact of the Russian-Georgian war in 2008 on the young people in Georgia. “That sounds quite complicated and it is, but my intention is to make a social subject accessible to everyone,” Jasmijn Apte explains. During the first part of the evening, the almost graduated journalist will interview the youth ambassador of Georgia and a Russia expert live from the theater about the current situation in Georgia. “I would like to talk about the aftermath of the Soviet regime in Georgia and how the Russian spheres of influence are still noticeable in the country.” A journalistic theater piece follows in the second part of the evening. This shows how personal stories of Georgian young people come together into a bigger picture.

Although Jasmijn has never been to Georgia herself, she has become intrigued by the country through her research. “There are so many things I didn’t know about Georgia. I was really surprised that, for example, twenty percent of the country is still occupied by Russia to this day.” The aim of the live journalism evening is therefore primarily to inform the public about the Russian spheres of influence and to introduce them to Georgian culture.

“I am currently super busy rehearsing for the journalistic theater piece. Fortunately, I have a group of fantastic actors and many kind people around me who help me,” says Jasmijn. The live journalism evening will take place on Thursday, June 6 at 8 p.m. in the Cultura theater in Ede. Tickets are available via the following link:

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Live journalism Zutphen student Culture
