Dura Prize 2024: registration open!


Registration for the Dura Prize 2024 is open. Traditionally, the theme of the Dura Prize is a current topic. This time it is ‘Luwte in de Stad’.

Rotterdam is a large, lively city with all the hustle and bustle that comes with it. People live close together, the streets are full of cars, cyclists, trams and buses, the most diverse groups of people live, work, learn and (re)create. In short, urban life is rich, dynamic and offers many beautiful things. On the other hand, many people also have a great need for less hecticness and stimulation. How is this need for peace, quiet and delay facilitated in our densely built urban environment, and more concretely, how does the design and programming of buildings and public spaces contribute to this?

Within this context, the theme ‘Shelter in the City’ was chosen for the Dura Prize 2024. Peace, quiet, deceleration and stimulation are core concepts, whether or not in combination with meeting or collectivity. The jury wants to reward projects that pay explicit attention to this theme and preferably already demonstrate that they meet the need for ‘shelter’. Given the objectives of the Dura Prize and the Job Dura Fund (namely supporting and encouraging initiatives that sustainably innovate and help flourish the built environment of greater Rotterdam), we focus on the spatial dimension of projects and the added value for the community.

In summary, the jury for participation in the Dura Prize 2024 is looking for projects in the greater Rotterdam region that tie in with this theme and that meet (as many as possible of) the following criteria:

  • One or more senses are stimulated in contrast to the environment
  • Accessibility, accessibility and inclusion (not necessarily free)
  • Intention with which the project was carried out in relation to the theme
  • Social relevance and added value for the community
  • Spatial quality of the design
  • The innovative character

Projects for the Dura Prize 2024 can be submitted no later than June 15, 2024. Send a project description of a maximum of 1000 words and a maximum of 5 low-resolution images to [email protected]. The Dura Prize 2024 will be presented on Wednesday, November 6, 2024.


The jury is led by chairman Alexandra den Heijer (professor of Public Real Estate TU Delft). The other jury members are Els Desmet (urban geologist and winner of the Dura Prize 2022 for the Chris de Jong Artist Residences), Sander van der Ham (urban psychologist and researcher), Danielle Remmerswaal (assistant lecturer in clinical psychology Erasmus University Rotterdam and academic leader of the student welfare program). and Do Janne Vermeulen (architect-director Team V).

Dura Price

Every two years, the Dura Prize (formerly called the Job Dura Prize) focuses on a current theme within the built environment in the greater Rotterdam region. The Dura Prize consists of an art object by Bruno Ninaber van Eyben and a cash prize of € 25,000. An incentive prize of €7,500 will also be awarded.

Job Dura Fund Foundation

The prizes are an initiative of the Job Dura Fund Foundation. This foundation was founded in 1994 by Daan Dura in honor of the 140th anniversary of the Dura Bouwgroep (now the Dura Vermeer Group). The Job Dura Fund is named after Daan Dura’s father, Job Dura Dzn (1904-1975), the third generation within the construction company. In addition to the prize, the Job Dura Fund provides project subsidies and other support to construction-related social initiatives. For more information, see: www.jobdurafonds.nl.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Dura Prize registration open
