Will OpenAI release an AI competitor to Google Search on Monday?

Will OpenAI release an AI competitor to Google Search on Monday?
Will OpenAI release an AI competitor to Google Search on Monday?

OpenAI would present a search engine powered by artificial intelligence on Monday, American media report.

Bloomberg and The Information believe they know that Microsoft-backed OpenAI – best known to the general public as the makers of ChatGPT – is working on a search product. In contrast to the company’s previous popular AI variant, the addition to ChatGPT can offer information directly from the internet with attribution, the unquoted sources report. Certainly the lack of clear source citation is seen as a major shortcoming of the current ChatGPT.

If the news is true, it would mean that OpenAI may come into direct competition with Alphabet: the parent company above Google that became big thanks to its search engine. But it would also pose competition for the young Californian company Perplexity, which positions itself almost as an AI search engine. Perplexity enjoys financial support from, among others, NVIDIA and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.

OpenAI has not yet responded to the rumors. The start date could still change, the sources say. In any case, the timing of the launch is remarkable, because Google starts its annual developer conference on Tuesday. It is expected that the search engine giant will also present many new applications in the field of artificial intelligence there.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: OpenAI release competitor Google Search Monday
