NPO cancels popular series Maud & Babs: ‘we have to make choices’ | RTL Boulevard

NPO cancels popular series Maud & Babs: ‘we have to make choices’ | RTL Boulevard
NPO cancels popular series Maud & Babs: ‘we have to make choices’ | RTL Boulevard

Disappointing news for fans of ‘Maud & Babs’. Omroep MAX will not make a third season of the popular series about a woman with dementia and her daughter. MAX reported this on Friday. There were plans for a third series. But the NPO did not approve the plan.

“We continue to work hard to produce and broadcast fiction for our supporters”

“The series had a huge impact, good viewing and appreciation figures and we received a lot of responses, especially about its recognisability,” said broadcaster Jan Slagter. “The NPO mainly focuses on reaching a younger target group in drama series, which unfortunately gives Omroep MAX little room to develop fiction. Naturally, we think that is a shame and we will continue to work hard to produce and broadcast fiction for our supporters.”

A spokesperson for the NPO says that ‘the NPO must make choices from the many original proposals that makers and broadcasters submit, because our viewers always expect a varied, familiar and surprising offering.’ The NPO does not give a specific reason why Maud & Babs was rejected. The series is about Maud (Rifka Lodeizen), who is an informal caregiver for her demented mother Babs, played by Loes Luca. The episodes reached an average audience of one million viewers.

Earlier this week, the makers of the series spoke The Jewish Council expresses their dissatisfaction with the fact that the NPO is the ‘successor’ of this series, The return, don’t want to make. Screenwriter Roos Ouwehand did receive money to develop the series, but the NPO subsequently rejected the plan. This led to many angry reactions from the makers and viewers.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: NPO cancels popular series Maud Babs choices RTL Boulevard
