Nintendo is (for real) coming up with a successor to the Switch

Nintendo is (for real) coming up with a successor to the Switch
Nintendo is (for real) coming up with a successor to the Switch

The Japanese game console manufacturer Nintendo will soon launch a successor to the popular Switch. It is the first time in nine years that the company has released a new gaming console – not counting the Switch OLED upgrade from 2021.

There have been rumors about a next-gen Switch for a long time, but this time it is a concrete announcement. Nintendo CEO Shuntaro Furukawa writes on the company’s It is not yet clear exactly when the announcement will take place.

140 million copies sold

What makes the Nintendo Switch unique to date is that you can use the console both ‘on the go’ and at home on the television. Since the original model was released in 2017, Nintendo has sold more than 140 million worldwide, but sales figures have been declining for some time.

Although Nintendo ended its last financial year with more turnover and profit than a year earlier, the company expects a decline in results for the coming year due to increasing competition from companies such as Microsoft and Sony. The next Switch should turn that tide again.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Nintendo real coming successor Switch
