New single Cesar Quinn – “SMOKE” (feat. Youniss)

New single Cesar Quinn – “SMOKE” (feat. Youniss)
New single Cesar Quinn – “SMOKE” (feat. Youniss)

© CPU – Jan Van Hecke

Because of debut album Opal, which dates back to 2021, Cesar Quinn is sometimes compared to King Krule and Radiohead. She then maintained a blend of psychedelic indie, jazz and post-punk. Thanks to its musical skills, the band was crowned the East Flemish winner of Sound Track that same year. However, we had already crossed the line a little earlier; After hearing Cesar Quinn’s debut single “Ruby”, we were convinced of her talent and named the quartet the ‘Big Bear of Tomorrow’. The foursome are now stepping away from the spiritual energies of Opal off. With the new single “SMOKE” she opts for alternative hip hop as a replacement. The band invited experimentalist Youniss, who sang and produced the song.

It seems as if “SMOKE” should be a first introduction to Cesar Quinn’s alter ego. With this song she opts for a more vicious attitude than we are used to from her. Together with opponent Youniss, core figure Frederik Daelemans shows a rebellious side by handing out nasty jabs – ‘spitting bars’, as they are called in internet culture. They do this flawlessly and with conviction, making it pleasant to listen to. In terms of sound we hear an unexpected, surprising mix of sounds. It is an interplay of a strong bass line and sharp guitars with all kinds of electronic sounds. The experimental influences are noticeably present. We also hear a screeching sound that is reminiscent of the rotating blades of a helicopter. Yet that original jazzy element of the band has not completely disappeared. In combination with the urban hip-hop style, this makes for an intriguing performance. Cesar Quinn seems to be heading in a new direction, one that makes us inclined to follow and see where it leads.

On Wednesday, May 8, Cesar Quinn will share the stage with The Christian Club in the Kavka Oudaan café. That same week the band will also be in Ghent for a show in Trefpunt, with the company of Elias. There is more on the agenda: on July 12, Cesar Quinn will play at the Ostend arts center KAAP, and a week later at Gent Jazz. Another concert is planned for September 13 at Snuffel Hostel in Bruges, where you can also see Ciggy Sunday at work.


Listen to the singles of the week on our Spotify.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: single Cesar Quinn SMOKE feat Youniss
