Pauline Wingelaar searches for a silver fork in the trash can with a metal detector RTL Boulevard

Pauline Wingelaar searches for a silver fork in the trash can with a metal detector RTL Boulevard
Pauline Wingelaar searches for a silver fork in the trash can with a metal detector RTL Boulevard

When Pauline discovers that she is missing a silver fork, the situation is over. “Would I have thrown that away?” she wonders out loud. Her sweetheart Harmen knows nothing. “I’ve only seen one,” he says. Pauline soon blames herself. She suspects that she dumped it in the trash while cleaning up.

To be on the safe side, she grabs her metal detector. “Would he do it?” she asks. Harmen withdraws his hands from this bizarre plan. “I’m certainly not going to pry into those things,” he says with disgust. But Pauline wants her fork back. She can actually hear her metal detector going off as she swings it around the trash can. “He’s really into it,” she says hopefully.

She then throws the contents of the trash can into the kitchen. “I could have done it outside,” she looks back afterwards. Wearing gloves, she digs through the discarded food. “This is really so disgusting. Sandwiches that haven’t been eaten…”, she says. Although waste is neatly separated in the Gooi, Pauline’s family does not participate in this. “I could tell I’m the only one in the family who does that.”

Then Pauline makes an unpleasant discovery. “Damn, it (the metal detector, ed.) also works on aluminum.” It turns out to be a search for a needle in a haystack. “I come across a lot of metal, but not my silver fork.” Pauline must abandon the search for her missing fork. “This is unacceptable. Shit, yes. Lost the fork. Opie would say: ‘Better too expensive than not for sale.’ So we’ll just buy a new one.”

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The article is in Dutch

Tags: Pauline Wingelaar searches silver fork trash metal detector RTL Boulevard
