Does ChatGPT dare to compete with Google Search?

Does ChatGPT dare to compete with Google Search?
Does ChatGPT dare to compete with Google Search?

These are exciting times in tech. AI will bring about major changes if some parties do not move quickly enough. It seems that ChatGPT wants to attack Google Search.

The Internet is equivalent to Google Search. That statement isn’t entirely correct, but it’s pretty close for most people. This illustrates how important Google is for the Internet: almost all searches on the World Wide Web go through Alphabet’s servers. But the question remains whether it will remain that way.

No more searching for the answer

ChatGPT has put a subdomain online with a meaningful title. You don’t have to think long to find out what the purpose of the URL is. According to rumors, Open AI will announce something on May 9 and that might have something to do with a search engine.

It is only logical that people try to steal market share from Google. Logical because you are looking for answers when you use a search engine. Now you get another page with results, advertisements and sponsored links from which you have to distill the correct answer yourself. By using AI and language models, you immediately get the best possible answer instead of a number of links.

How does that make money?

It remains to be seen whether ChatGPT’s possible search engine will succeed in becoming relevant. Google has its own AI in the form of Gemini and we also see other players such as Perplexity.

We are especially curious about how these services will make money. For example, we see from Netflix that the subscription models are not the solution and that there is also a return to advertising. How will a ChatGPT recoup the sky-high costs for the enormous volume of searches? With the search engine we are used to the top results being sponsored, but do we also accept that with a chatbot-like search engine?

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The article is in Dutch

Tags: ChatGPT compete Google Search
