Girlfriend Rico Verhoeven puts birthday daughter in the spotlight: ‘Pretty soul’ | RTL Boulevard

Girlfriend Rico Verhoeven puts birthday daughter in the spotlight: ‘Pretty soul’ | RTL Boulevard
Girlfriend Rico Verhoeven puts birthday daughter in the spotlight: ‘Pretty soul’ | RTL Boulevard

It’s a party in the Verhoeven home: Mikayla, the daughter of kickboxer Rico (35), will blow out 13 candles on her birthday cake on Monday and that should of course be celebrated. Naomy van Beem (35), Rico’s girlfriend, puts her bonus daughter in the spotlight with a sweet message on Instagram.

“So young and yet so wise”

The bond between Naomy and Mikayla is good, she says via social media. With a series of photos she shows how proud she is of her boyfriend’s daughter. “The older you get, the closer we become,” Naomy writes with the photos. “I’m proud of you and you’re a beautiful girl, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!”

She ends the message with kind words for Mikayla. ‘Today is your day, so you can choose what you want to do today. Love you. So young and yet so wise, pretty soul. Let’s have a wonderful day.’

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And of course Rico hasn’t forgotten his daughter either. He says on Instagram that he loves his ‘princess’ and is proud of the woman she is becoming:

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Rico was seen on Sunday in Rooijakkers across the Floor and told about another special person in his life.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Girlfriend Rico Verhoeven puts birthday daughter spotlight Pretty soul RTL Boulevard
