“Resident Evil 9 to be revealed soon, release early 2025”

“Resident Evil 9 to be revealed soon, release early 2025”
“Resident Evil 9 to be revealed soon, release early 2025”

If we can believe leaker Dusk Golem, it will be Resident Evil 9 Revealed “soon” and the release is planned for early 2025, even in January. According to Dusk Golem, the game would have been in development for 7 years. He also previously announced that Resident Evil 9 would be partly open-world.

Of course this remains just a rumor and in the case of Dusk Golem you can take everything with a grain of salt. Although he has managed to release correct information several times in the past, he has also leaked a lot of information that later turned out to be completely incorrect.

In any case, it seems like it’s time for a new main game in the Resident Evil franchise. After all, Resident Evil Village dates back to 2021.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Resident Evil revealed release early
