NPO says no to ‘successor’ The Jewish Council, makers angry | RTL Boulevard

NPO says no to ‘successor’ The Jewish Council, makers angry | RTL Boulevard
NPO says no to ‘successor’ The Jewish Council, makers angry | RTL Boulevard

The NPO has rejected the plan for the ‘successor’ to the hit series ‘The Jewish Council’. This was said by screenwriter Roos Ouwehand (55) in the NPO Radio 1 program ‘Met het Oog op Morgen’. Roos has been working for a year and a half on the scenario for the series ‘The Return’, which is set in the year after the Second World War ended.

“The NPO thought the series was too complicated because there were too many main characters. The viewer would not understand that”

“We heard last week that the NPO is not interested in the series,” said Roos. “That is a very bitter pill and the last word has not yet been said about it. The NPO thought the series was too complicated because there were too many main characters. The viewer would not understand that.” The Return would follow ten characters. The hit series Eyeballswhich Roos also writes, follows more than twenty.

The return would be made by pretty much the same team as The Jewish Council, the series that attracted one and a half million viewers every week earlier this year. Mayor Femke Halsema referred to one of the main characters, Virrie Cohen, in her speech on Dam Square. The resistance fighter saved hundreds of babies from the crèche opposite the Hollandse Schouwburg, where Jewish people were brought together for transport.

“While making The Jewish Council I came across many stories that I found increasingly interesting,” says Roos. “The Netherlands was in ruins, it was a lot of chaos. I wanted to make a mosaic story about all the characters returning to the Netherlands. People who were employed abroad, for example.” Paula van der Oest would be the successor, just like The Jewish Councilto direct.

Roos and Paula have The return developed with NTR. The NPO and NTR were not yet available for comment on Sunday.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: NPO successor Jewish Council makers angry RTL Boulevard
