Nature Today | Boars root for butterflies


It seems like the title of a fable and an unlikely combination. The large wild boar that helps vulnerable butterfly species. The rooting areas form a microhabitat for various species of pioneer plants. You can think of sheep’s sorrel, violets, soft stork’s bill and heron’s bill. These species are important host plants for the brown blue butterfly, small fritillary butterfly and small and brown fire butterfly. Without these plants they have less chance to reproduce. The open vegetation is also suitable for the moth, which finds clumps of sheep grass or bunt grass in a warm microclimate. So it appears that there is indeed a relationship between pigs and butterflies. To better understand this relationship, the Wild van Vlinders project was started, and the final research will take place this year.

The research

The campsite is booked, his camping gear is ready. Matthias Bouwens is looking forward to starting his research internship. “I am especially curious about the final results and the final picture,” he says beforehand. “And hopefully I can also contribute to the natural recovery of the landscape and the acceptance of species such as the wild boar.” To collect more data about the key role of the wild boar, Matthias will carry out field work in the De Plateaux and De Valkenhorst nature reserves. This internship is the final part of a three-year study into the relationship between pigs and butterflies. He visits predetermined plots several times with and without root marks. Here he inventories which types of plants and butterflies occur there. This not only concerns the occurrence of species, but also the life stages. Are these young plants or are they already bigger and blooming? Is it eggs, caterpillars or are there butterflies actually flying? Are there any differences compared to the previous year?

More plants and butterflies

You have probably experienced it too. During a walk through nature, butterflies always land exactly on the sandy path you are walking on. Many species of butterflies like warmed soil. There they look for pioneer plants to lay their eggs on and the caterpillars eat the young greenery. The caterpillars often pupate in adjacent bushes. Pioneer plants depend on open spaces where they are not immediately overgrown. The wild boar ensures that there is always a new supply of these growing places. By rooting they provide more variation in the landscape. This creates a landscape where there is more room for natural processes. Large and small grazers and wild boars control these processes and make an area very diverse. Without them, the landscape will continue to develop with closed grass mats or even become forested. Due to the presence of the wild boar, we hope to find more butterfly species in the long term. The wild boar can therefore play a key role in recovering butterfly species, rare or not.

Heather butterflies in Brabant benefit from rooting pigs

Wild boar in Brabant

Wild boars traditionally belong in the Netherlands. Now they mainly live on the Veluwe and in the Meinweg. Outside these areas, an official zero-level policy applies, so pigs are not allowed there. This is to prevent damage to crops and gardens and to limit collisions. At the same time, it is a wonderful experience for people to see wild boars in nature. Their strong snout that works like a hoe, their large ears and the piglets’ striped ‘pajamas’ cause much admiration. Boars have many beneficial influences on nature. In winter they even ensure that birds can look for food in the disturbed ground. Pigs come across the border from Belgium and Germany. In the south of Brabant, boars, tracks and rooting areas are now regularly seen. These vast areas, with lots of variety and food, are extremely popular with wild boars. Therefore, it is almost impossible to keep them out of these areas and therefore their role in the system. Nature cannot be limited.

The end of the nose of wild boars contains a plate of cartilage: the rooting disc

Environment and stakeholders

The presence of wild boars in these areas also causes debate. An important goal of Matthias’ internship is to better involve the environment in nature and to bring parties closer together. Excursions are organized and surveys are held to inform and bring people together.

More information

  • Are you between 16 and 35 years old and have a wild nature who can go her own way? Join the Young Rewilders Network.
  • The Wild van Vlinders project is a collaboration between ARK Rewilding Netherlands and the Butterfly Foundation.
  • The internship is carried out by Matthias Bouwens, student at Van Hall Larensein University of Applied Sciences, management and living environment course.
  • The areas are managed by Brabants Landschap (De Valkenhorst) and Natuurmonumenten (De Plateaux).

Text: ARK Rewilding Netherlands
Photos: Jeroen Helmer; Michiel Wallis de Vries; Karsten Reiniers

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Nature Today Boars root butterflies
