Sony removes Helldivers 2 from Steam in 177 different countries – Gaming – News


It is not really useful to first sell that game in those countries.

But about that PSN Account obligation.

For the Activision game CoD you need an Activision account.
For EA game BF you need an EA account.
For the Epic game Fortnite you need an Epic account.
For the Rockstar game GTA5 you need a Rockstar account.
For the Blizzard game Diablo you need a Blizzard account.
You need a Ubisoft account for the Ubisoft game Rainbow Six.
Etc, Etc.

Why is Sony the bogeyman if you need a PSN account for the Sony game Helldivers?

Not that I don’t find the proliferation of accounts annoying, but Sony is not the only one, not the first and not the last to require an account for an online game.

In that respect, I like the late 90’s and early 00’s best in terms of multiplayer, no progression and tracking of your stats where people who have more time and/or more money for mtx are rewarded more. It was just about your skills on a level playing field, same weapons and same opportunities.

[Reactie gewijzigd door iwaarden op 5 mei 2024 12:21]

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Sony removes Helldivers Steam countries Gaming News
