Bindi Irwin opens up about sharing endometriosis diagnosis | RTL Boulevard

Bindi Irwin opens up about sharing endometriosis diagnosis | RTL Boulevard
Bindi Irwin opens up about sharing endometriosis diagnosis | RTL Boulevard

Bindi Irwin (25) found it ‘terrifying’ to share with the public that she had been diagnosed with endometriosis. The daughter of the late Australian conservationist Steve Irwin informed ‘Page Six’.

“It is ignored in so many ways and so many women and girls live with incredible pain”

“It’s really scary to share something about yourself that has been so hard to overcome, to share things that feel so incredibly personal,” Bindi said at the annual Blossom Ball of the Endometriosis Foundation of America (EndoFound), where she was guest of honor. Endometriosis is a chronic condition in which tissue that is normally inside the uterus grows outside it.

Bindi, who followed in her father’s footsteps as a conservationist, recently announced that she was suffering from the disease. She decided to do this to draw attention to the condition that occurs in one in ten women worldwide, but is often not diagnosed. “It is ignored in so many ways and so many women and girls live with incredible pain,” Bindi further explained.

She hopes to inspire other women to seek help. “It’s important to me to be able to share my journey, and maybe it will help other people with the ability to stand up and say, ‘Hey, this isn’t normal and I deserve to get help. deserve to feel good.” It took Bindi ten years for the correct diagnosis to be made.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Bindi Irwin opens sharing endometriosis diagnosis RTL Boulevard
