Atalanta chairman has more good news after reaching the Europa League final: “We are going to buy Charles De Ketelaere”

Atalanta chairman has more good news after reaching the Europa League final: “We are going to buy Charles De Ketelaere”
Atalanta chairman has more good news after reaching the Europa League final: “We are going to buy Charles De Ketelaere”

© Getty Images

Atalanta is in the final of the Europa League and Charles De Ketelaere played his role in the second leg of the semi-final against Marseille by providing the assist for the 1-0. In Bergamo they are satisfied with the performance of our compatriot and that is why they want to take over him permanently.

Discharge at Atalanta on Thursday evening. A week earlier they had struggled to get a 1-1 draw in Marseille, but in the second leg things went a lot smoother. De Ketelaere provided the assist for Ademola Lookman’s 1-0, and Atalanta would eventually win 3-0 and thus qualify for the final of the Europa League against Bayer Leverkusen.

De Ketelaere has already scored eleven goals and nine assists in all competitions this season and clearly feels happy at Atalanta. The team from Bergamo currently rents the Red Devil from AC Milan, but has a purchase option in his contract. If Atalanta pays 23 million euros, De Ketelaere will make the permanent switch.

Antonio Percassi, the chairman of Atalanta, made it clear after the match against Marseille that they intend to remove the purchase option from De Ketelaere’s contract. He told Sky Sports Italy that they will permanently take over De Ketelaere. “We’ll see about the price,” he added.

The decision to permanently take over De Ketelaere is in line with expectations. At Atalanta they have spoken positively about our compatriot several times in recent months.

(Read more below the photo)

Atalanta chairman Antonio Percassi.

Atalanta chairman Antonio Percassi. — © Getty Images

Before the match against Marseille, Atalanta fans presented a tifo that referred to the lost semi-final in the European Cup II against Mechelen in 1988. “The memory of Mechelen brings back memories for every child, winning today to tell about Dublin” , that’s what it sounded like.

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Tags: Atalanta chairman good news reaching Europa League final buy Charles Ketelaere
