Circuit de Wallonie is also perfect for the reborn Arnaud De Lie


Arnaud De Lie has booked his third victory in a week and a half at the Circuit de Wallonie. The leader of Lotto-Dstny was clearly the fastest in the announced sprint on the streets of Marcinelle. Axel Zingle came second, Matthew Brennan third.

After victories in the Famenne Ardenne and in the Tro-Bro Léon, Arnaud De Lie hoped to achieve a third victory in a week and a half in Wallonia on Thursday. The peloton was presented with a rolling course in Hainaut, although a bunch sprint seemed the most likely scenario.

Not much happened along the way to avoid the announced sprint. Some weak attempts along the way were quickly neutralized, only under the impulse of crosser Gerben Kuypers was a group of three riders able to break away in the final, including Lou van Belle and Baptiste Vadic.

Lotto-Dstny controlled everything in the peloton, so the escapees’ lead never became alarming. The pace of the boys of leader De Lie also caused wear and tear in the peloton, including Pascal Ackermann who had to drop out early.

Van Belle proved to be the strongest at the front. The young Dutchman fought bravely and was joined by Anthony Turgis in the end, but it was also a battle between the two of them. The peloton was allowed to prepare for a sprint.

In that sprint, De Lie seemed to get trapped for a moment, but Lescheret’s Bull was able to break free just in time. With powerful strokes he rushed past Axel Zingle and 18-year-old Matthew Brennan. De Lie thus records his third victory in eleven days and is completely back after his miserable spring.

De Lie: “My condition is getting better and better, that’s promising”

“The team did a great job today,” De Lie immediately passed on the flowers after arrival. “It’s great to be able to thank the team with a win, and winning in Wallonia is always nice.”

After four days of racing since his return, De Lie has three victories and a third place. “I took a break after my spring and it is because of that mental reset that I am so strong now. My condition is getting better, so that is promising.”



The article is in Dutch

Tags: Circuit Wallonie perfect reborn Arnaud Lie
