Exodus Antwerp: next strongman talks about departure

Exodus Antwerp: next strongman talks about departure
Exodus Antwerp: next strongman talks about departure

Antwerp FC will play the cup final against Union SG on Thursday and that match will largely determine whether or not the season has been successful. Moreover, for many protagonists it may be the last chance to win a prize with the Great Old. This threatens a real exodus in the summer.

Since Paul Gheysens took over the club, Antwerp has made an impressive rise to the top of Belgian football. Last calendar year this led to an unprecedented peak. RAFC was crowned national champion, won the Belgian Cup, also won the Super Cup and celebrated its debut in the Champions League.

But of course those sporting successes came with a serious price tag. The profits were therefore too limited to cover the enormous costs and Gheysens, who also suffered financial blows at some of his companies, could of course not continue to contribute. And so things must be brought to heel.

Summer idleness

However, this is not without consequences. It has now become known that coach Mark van Bommel is on his way to the exit. The Dutchman can therefore hardly do better than the path he has completed in the past two seasons and is now being mentioned at various foreign clubs.

Moreover, Van Bommel also realizes that Antwerp may have to sell several players, largely for financial reasons. George Ilenikhena and Mandela Keita, among others, are eligible for a lucrative transfer, just like goalkeeper Jean Butez. And a departure of Michel-Ange Balikwisha is by no means ruled out.

All options open

The wing attacker missed a large part of the season due to injuries, but is now fit again and still represents a considerable market value at the age of 22. In conversation with The last news However, he is keeping his options open. “I play for Antwerp and we will see what the future brings. I will continue to give the maximum for Antwerp. Will I still be here next year or will I be gone… that remains to be seen. Last year in the summer and during the winter mercato there was interest,” said the Standard youth product.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Exodus Antwerp strongman talks departure
