New way of playing at Genk? El Ouahdi plain and simple

New way of playing at Genk? El Ouahdi plain and simple
New way of playing at Genk? El Ouahdi plain and simple

KRC Genk seemed to recover after a mediocre regular competition with a great start to the Champions’ Play-Offs. But now the Limburgers are back to square one. On Saturday, Cercle Brugge lost for the third time in a row: 4-1.

Due to the difficult qualification, little was expected from Genk in the play-offs. But with a new field line-up, coach Wouter Vrancken’s team started off like a whirlwind. A good series of 10 out of 12 was achieved in the first four matches.

This allowed Racing to once again come within four points of the lead. However, they subsequently lost twice to Club Brugge, meaning that the title dream had to be shelved again. And on Saturday there was also a heavy defeat at Cercle.

Full for European ticket

As a result, even a European qualification has come under pressure. Although it remains fourth, the lead over Cercle is still only one point. So a tough battle awaits. Especially if Antwerp wins the cup and no extra European ticket becomes available.

According to strongman Zakaria El Ouahdi, European qualification is a must. “We were still fighting for the title, but that didn’t work out. Now we have to get that European ticket. I am convinced that we will still achieve that,” he insisted. TVL Sports Café.

Stick to system

Next Saturday, Genk will immediately face an important match at Anderlecht. In the run-up to this, the question is asked whether Racing should change its game system again. The formation with three centre-backs and high wing-backs worked well at the start of the POs, but is being questioned again after the recent 0 out of 9.

However, El Ouahdi, who completely exploded in this system, does not want to hear of any change. “In this system I am more present in the matches. It may happen that it is questioned. But we just have to turn the switch and play like in the first matches with this system. Then it will be fine,” said El Ouahdi.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: playing Genk Ouahdi plain simple
