The proverbial straw: ‘Van Bommel had doubts, but for this reason(s) Antwerp was also enough’ – Football News


Mark van Bommel is in his last weeks at Antwerp FC. The Dutchman had been doubting his future at De Bosuil for some time. But even without his own doubts it would have been the end of the story.

Antwerp FC and Mark van Bommel sat together last week to discuss their future. During that meeting it was decided that the Dutchman’s contract will be terminated after the season. Although official communication will only take place after the season – or perhaps after a possible cup triumph next Thursday? – to follow.

We wrote a few weeks ago that van Bommel had decided to end his chapter The Great Old. The coach has not forgotten what happened at VfL Wolfsburg. A similar scenario in Antwerp was possible.

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Moreover, there were too many question marks for Van Bommel. What about Antwerp’s financial future? Can the departure of Arthur Vermeeren finally be accommodated this summer? Will Marc Overmars return after his suspension to put things in order?

It is clear that divorce was the only correct way out. Moreover, know The last news that love had also cooled on the Antwerp side. The boardroom did not always agree with van Bommel in recent months. A recent example: Paul Gheysens could not laugh at the fact that the team was given three days off after the defeat against Union SG.

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Even with Van Bommel finding renewed motivation to continue, Antwerp would have called it a day. The Great Old wants to start next season with a clean slate. And that also includes a new sporting wind. Do we need to list which coaches will be free next season?

The article is in Dutch

Tags: proverbial straw Van Bommel doubts reasons Antwerp Football News
