Kindermans attracts first talents from Anderlecht to Antwerp

Kindermans attracts first talents from Anderlecht to Antwerp
Kindermans attracts first talents from Anderlecht to Antwerp

There are currently many question marks about the Bosuil, but it is certain that Antwerp wants to focus more on its own youth from now on. To strengthen those ambitions, they recruited Jean Kindermans from Anderlecht. Now the first talents are also following his example.

Finally, both Jef Luyckx and Luka Vereecken transfer from Neerpede to Deurne-Noord. There, the 18-year-old controlling midfielder and attacker, who have not yet played for the RSCA Futures, will first join the Young Reds in the First National.

RAFC shops at RSCA

“Jef is a controlling midfielder with footballing qualities and good insight into the game. Luka can play in all offensive positions and will have to provide our Young Reds with assists and goals,” the number one team introduces the two teenagers through official channels.

“Both players hope to take the final step from youth to professional football within our U23 environment,” it said. Kindermans, who recently moved from Anderlecht to Antwerp together with Frédéric Delooz, is shopping with his former employer for the first time.

Kindermans’ task

Gazette of Antwerp notes in advance that they played a crucial role in the choice of Luyckx and Vereecken to continue their careers at the Bosuil. Over the past two decades, Kindermans was one of the founders of the Purple-White academy as youth director.

The countless top talents that flowed from there earned the people of Brussels several millions. Paul Gheysens hopes that Kindermans can achieve the same in Antwerp. After the sale of Arthur Vermeeren, the Great Old also wants to pass the cash register more often in this way.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Kindermans attracts talents Anderlecht Antwerp
