Heavy blow for Union towards the cup final: “It didn’t look good” – Football News

Heavy blow for Union towards the cup final: “It didn’t look good” – Football News
Heavy blow for Union towards the cup final: “It didn’t look good” – Football News

Union Saint-Gilloise failed to knock Anderlecht (partly) out of the title race on Sunday. Worse still: the people of Brussels also lost Christian Burgess. Not good news in view of the cup final.

Christian Burgess delivered an excellent performance against Anderlecht. He was barely defeated against Dolberg and co. Unfortunately, Union’s central defender had to leave the field in the second half with an injury.

An injury that has apparently been bothering him for some time, Alexander Blessin revealed after the match. The Union coach also gave an update on his central defender.

“This problem dates back to last week. We thought he could keep it under control. He hasn’t trained much this week, but we wanted him to play the whole game.”

It is a problem in the foot. “We’ll have to do a scan to see what the problem is with his bone. In any case, the pain is there.”

“I can’t say if it’s serious or not, but at the same time, if it’s been going on for more than 10 days, it can’t be taken lightly. He feels something under his foot. He really experiences pain when he hits the ground,” clarified Blessin.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Heavy blow Union cup final didnt good Football News
