Supporter loses fingers at PSV championship celebration

Supporter loses fingers at PSV championship celebration
Supporter loses fingers at PSV championship celebration

The PSV championship celebration ended in hospital for a supporter of the champion team when a Cobra fireworks explosion exploded in his hands. The man is said to have lost several fingers.

The incident happened in the fan zone at the Philips Stadium in Eindhoven. Images taken by bystanders show the supporter holding some kind of fire or smoke torch as he walks through the street.

But then it happens. A loud bang. The next image shows him standing by the side of the road with a badly damaged hand. Heavy bleeding.

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The man was taken to hospital shortly afterwards where he is undergoing surgery today. He may have lost some fingers. Some Dutch media even say that he has lost part of his hand.

According to witnesses, a Cobra exploded in his hand. In our country, and also in the Netherlands, these fireworks arrows are illegal because they are just as dangerous.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Supporter loses fingers PSV championship celebration
