Yanina Wickmayer presses the pause button due to persistent back problems

Yanina Wickmayer presses the pause button due to persistent back problems
Yanina Wickmayer presses the pause button due to persistent back problems

A forced break for Yanina Wickmayer. Our compatriot has not yet been able to show her best side this year due to persistent back problems and today announced that she is taking an indefinite period of rest. “To give my body enough time to heal,” Wickmayer shared on Instagram.

We will miss Yanina Wickmayer on the tennis court for a while. She will leave her racket aside for an indefinite period, our compatriot announced today on Instagram.

“As you know, my body hasn’t really been fit and healthy this year,” Wickmayer opens her message.

“I have done everything I can in recent months to control the pain in my back and to be able to be on the court pain-free, but unfortunately my body does not allow this.”

So an emergency break was the only solution, “to give my body enough time to heal and get strong again so I can be myself again on the track,” said Wickmayer.

“I have come back as a mother to end this tennis chapter in my own way. So you can count on me and my perseverance that I will do everything I can to write a beautiful final chapter,” she concludes combatively.

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Tags: Yanina Wickmayer presses pause button due persistent problems
