Franky Van Der Elst does not hold back about Antwerp: “That’s nonsense, that’s not how it works” – Football News

Franky Van Der Elst does not hold back about Antwerp: “That’s nonsense, that’s not how it works” – Football News
Franky Van Der Elst does not hold back about Antwerp: “That’s nonsense, that’s not how it works” – Football News

Royal Antwerp FC plays against Club Brugge on Sunday afternoon. The cup final against Union SG is scheduled for four days later.

Royal Antwerp FC has not had a good play-offs so far. The reigning national champion and cup winner is having a hard time and will also face a Club Brugge that is in a good flow on Sunday.

Franky Van Der Elst certainly does not believe that Mark van Bommel will spare players towards the cup final.

“I think that Antwerp now benefits more from a good result than from saying: let’s just let this match pass us by. I would put my best eleven. Club is always a serious rag for a bull for Antwerp, I have experienced that often enough myself,” said Het Nieuwsblad.

Very careful in cup final

And the analyst certainly doesn’t believe in players who don’t go all out themselves. “Those arguments, they make me a bit nervous. I have never played a match with the thought in the back of my mind: it will be a different match in three days. The fact that they now say that Antwerp has been busy with the cup final for two or three weeks… that’s nonsense. That’s not how it works in a locker room.”

The match against Club Brugge could be the moment for Antwerp to get back on its feet. And then winning the cup is suddenly very close again, especially now that no one expects them to beat Union SG on Thursday.

“Antwerp will have to reach a higher level, but it wouldn’t be the first time that a non-favourite has made it. After the match against Union, Van Bommel called Union a counter team four or five times in a minute and a half. I think Antwerp will approach it very carefully.”

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Franky Van Der Elst hold Antwerp nonsense works Football News
