Hayen seems to have made his choice definitively: a minor farewell threatens for player who sidelined himself – Football News

Hayen seems to have made his choice definitively: a minor farewell threatens for player who sidelined himself – Football News
Hayen seems to have made his choice definitively: a minor farewell threatens for player who sidelined himself – Football News

Nicky Hayen is a trainer who makes clear choices and rewards boys for the work they do. Since he took over at Club Brugge, he has installed a clear philosophy: work and give everything on the field. What is striking: Andreas Skov Olsen, who is fit again, will not play.

Skov Olsen did not play for Club again after his departure to Denmark, because he wanted a second opinion about his hip injury. He was on the bench against both Genk and Fiorentina, but did not come on. That’s remarkable considering his status.

Sidelined yourself?

If we ignore Igor Thiago – whose market value has risen to 25 million after his transfer to Brentford – the Danish winger is the man who could potentially fetch the most money in a transfer this summer.

That is also the wish of the 24-year-old international, but it will not do his transfer value any good that he is hardly used in the decisive phase of the championship. Michal Skoras has taken his place. And when he left after the 2-2 yesterday, Hayen opted for more power in midfield with Casper Nielsen.

Hayen denied that there was a discussion between Skov Olsen and the medical staff, but you don’t just leave during a European trip. Did he sideline himself? In any case, it is a huge luxury if you don’t seem to need Skov Olsen.

Skoras does his job

And if Hayen still assigns him an important role in the remaining matches, you should let him come on for a few minutes somewhere to get into rhythm. Against Antwerp this weekend? That could well be the case, as they mainly focus on the cup final and Hayen will also rotate some boys with barely two days between the matches.

But kick Skoras out? The Pole already has two goals and two assists in the Champions’ Play-offs and is very coachable for Hayen. Not the player who really stands out, but dangerous. And he doesn’t have to have the ball every attack. Club has become more unpredictable. He does his defensive work, allowing Kyriani Sabbe to also do his thing offensively. It doesn’t look like Skov Olsen will take over that role anytime soon.

There is a risk of a minor farewell for Skov Olsen, who can produce fantastic figures in 2.5 years in blue-black: 38 goals and 24 assists in 93 matches. But he was also not the man who won Club prizes. And that is still what Jan Breydel is all about.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Hayen choice definitively minor farewell threatens player sidelined Football News
