Chinese group pulls the plug on negotiations with Beerschot

Chinese group pulls the plug on negotiations with Beerschot
Chinese group pulls the plug on negotiations with Beerschot

Beerschot will not be sold to The Bridge Football Group this summer. The Chinese-European group, which is led by Dutch former professional footballer Dries Boussatta, is withdrawing from the negotiations.

The Bridge Football Group has informed our editors that it will no longer try to take over Beerschot this summer. The Chinese-European group had an agreement with the Flemish minority shareholders of Beerschot, but has not heard anything from the Saudi majority shareholder to date. The deadline to start negotiations was postponed several more times. Without success.

After the ratification of Thorsten Theys’ mandate at Beerschot, the Chinese group has decided to pull the plug on the negotiations. “After obtaining information about Mr Theys from his previous employer Ostend, we no longer see any fruitful cooperation with Beerschot. We are withdrawing,” Boussatta said in a short statement.

READ ALSO. Takeover or not? Week of truth for shareholders at Beerschot, Csepregi and Kuyt will not wait

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Chinese group pulls plug negotiations Beerschot
