Comeback in a minor key: Nina Derwael falls from uneven bars at European Gymnastics Championships

Comeback in a minor key: Nina Derwael falls from uneven bars at European Gymnastics Championships
Comeback in a minor key: Nina Derwael falls from uneven bars at European Gymnastics Championships

Nina Derwael made her comeback on bars at the European Gymnastics Championships in Rimini. Something went wrong just before her dismount, which means she may not make it to the final. She also fell on the beam and missed the final. We won’t know the final results until tonight around 8 p.m., when all countries have had their turn.

Team Belgym immediately had to get to work in the first subdivision and started with the jump, on paper our least strong equipment. Erika Pinxten led the way and scored 12.866 (4.2+8.666). That is her second best score on the jump, in Antwerp she achieved 0.1 more. Jade Vansteenkiste scored 12,700 (4.2) in her comeback after almost four years and Maellyse Brassart scored 13,100 (4.2). On paper she is the favorite to win the Olympic ticket and therefore started reasonably well, although she already did two tenths better last year. Mika Longin, the Californian who is in the Belgian team for the first time, crashed and scored 12.133 (4.6).

Derwael falls

And then the Belgians moved to the uneven bars for the long-awaited comeback of Olympic champion Nina Derwael (24). Since Tokyo, she had only performed bridge once in competition – the bronze medal at the 2022 World Championships – and for Rimini she had tempered expectations. She received a starting value of 5.8 and seemed to be doing well through her exercise, but shortly before the dismount she had to release the bar and fell to the ground. That cost her a full point deduction. She had to start over for her dismount. The jury awarded her with 12,533.

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She is currently sixth on the cleared list, but three quarters of the gymnasts have yet to take their turn. A final with the best eight will probably not be possible on bridge. Erika Pinxten also fell on bars, but Maellyse Brassart scored 13.533 (5.7 starting value) and is therefore in the lead.

Brassart is on course

The third apparatus for the Belgians was the beam and Nina Derwael also fell there. Things went wrong with her triple pirouette. She received 12.833 (5.3) from the jury, as much as Erika Pinxten (5.1) and less than Maellyse Brassart’s 12.933 (4.8). Since a maximum of two girls from the same country are allowed to go to the finals, Derwael is normally eliminated here as well.

Brassart seems to be on course for a top score with one more device. Tonight around 8 p.m. we will only know for sure whether it is sufficient for the Olympic ticket.

(more later)

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Comeback minor key Nina Derwael falls uneven bars European Gymnastics Championships
