Club Brugge wants to go very far and spend up to six million euros on the ‘Holy Grail’ of every football team – Football News


If Club Brugge were to still win the title this season, it would be a half-miracle given the state of the regular competition. Next year, blue-black wants to be at the top again and to that end it also wants to make transfers.

Ardon Jashari was already bought for six million euros from Lucerne by Club Brugge. He normally joins blue-black on July 1. A solution has already been sought in one of the important areas – the defensive midfielder position.

But there is also room for some reinforcement in defense. De Cuyper has already played on both flanks this season due to a number of injuries here and there, Odoi also had to step in in various places and even wingers were sometimes pushed back a row.

The ‘Holy Grail’: left-footed defenders

It was Ronny Deila’s tactical panic, but also mainly a lack of sufficient options. Dedryck could never convince Boyata in the central back, with Mechele and Spileers there are two right-footed defenders who are central.

Every football manager or coach’s dream is a left-footed centre-back, although they are very few and far between. That is why they are often sought after on the transfer market. It is no different now with Zaid Romero.

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The 24-year-old Argentinian of 1 meter 92 centimeters is left-footed and very good with the ball – but who isn’t that in South America? He currently plays for Estudiantes, which bought him for 1.4 million euros from Godoy Cruz in January 2023.

Meanwhile, his market value has skyrocketed – he is currently worth around €3.2 million, according to Transfermarkt. In reality, he will have to cost Club Brugge almost double, but at Blue-Black they are clear that they want him.

Market value above three million euros for Romero

Zaid Romero has already played 56 games for Estudiantes and scored three goals – with his height he can also become a possible option for Club Brugge in an attacking sense. And what if Romero doesn’t come in the end?

A few days ago it emerged in the Argentinian press that Ayrton Costa is also on the wish list. He is intrinsically a full-back, but Romero’s peer and compatriot can also play in the center of the back.

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It could help for the integration to incorporate both immediately, but Independiente also wants to make a profit. You can dig deep into your pockets for the ‘Holy Grail’ of every football club, but still.

Personally, Club Brugge and Romero would already be out, but at club level there is still some work to be done. Estudiantes owns 60% of him, Godoy Cruz still 40%. So negotiating with two clubs?

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Club Brugge spend million euros Holy Grail football team Football News
