Vape vapors contain toxins: AI study analyzes 180 vape flavors | Abroad

Vape vapors contain toxins: AI study analyzes 180 vape flavors | Abroad
Vape vapors contain toxins: AI study analyzes 180 vape flavors | Abroad

A British study published on the ‘Scientific Reports’ website has found that chemicals in vape vapors can be acutely toxic when heated and inhaled. Using an AI analysis of 180 vape flavors, researchers concluded that the products contained 127 acutely toxic chemicals, 153 health hazards, and 225 irritants.

A vape heats the liquid flavorings to very high temperatures. This creates an aerosol that is then inhaled. They contain a variety of chemicals, including vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, nicotine and flavorings, mixed in varying amounts.

Previous studies have already shown that heating these flavor liquids through the heating process forms dangerous compounds, also called carbonyls. These compounds have dangerous health consequences in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cardiovascular disease and cancer.

AI analysis

If we want to research each flavor separately, this could take decades. That is why the researchers used an AI analysis and a simulated decomposition. The researchers predicted from their research that the fumes produced “127 acutely toxic” chemicals, “153 health hazards” and “225 irritants.”

Almost every flavor that underwent the AI ​​analysis contained at least one product that is harmful to health, most even several.

Investigate long-term effects

Inhaling flavored vapors is very popular, with young people between 15 and 25 being the biggest consumers of disposable vapes. From January 1, 2025, its sale will be prohibited in Belgium. In addition, the sale of vapes with lights and other things that make the device attractive is already prohibited. The battle against the devices has been going on for some time, but much more can be done according to the researchers.

We are on the eve of a new wave of chronic diseases

Donal O’Shea, Lead author of the study

It is critical that we investigate the long-term effects of these products on public health, morbidity and mortality, the study concludes. “Without comprehensive regulation, there is a significant risk of new health problems being passed on to younger generations,” wrote Donal O’Shea, the study’s lead author. “It is likely that we are on the verge of a new wave of chronic diseases that will emerge in 15 to 20 years as a result of these exposures.”

WATCH ALSO. It is not only young people in secondary school who vape… more and more children in primary school are also coming into contact with it

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The article is in Dutch

Tags: Vape vapors toxins study analyzes vape flavors
