VIDEO. Brutally tackled and stomped: darts player Kim Huybrechts breaks (his good) shoulder after football cup final

VIDEO. Brutally tackled and stomped: darts player Kim Huybrechts breaks (his good) shoulder after football cup final
VIDEO. Brutally tackled and stomped: darts player Kim Huybrechts breaks (his good) shoulder after football cup final

Huybrechts is a diehard fan of The Great Old and therefore went to Brussels with great courage. Things went wrong there sportingly because Antwerp lost the cup final. However, the worst was yet to come. Huybrechts and his friend Kevin Belmans were attacked by a group of ‘Brussels youth’ on the way to the supporters’ buses.

According to witnesses, the current Belgian number two was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Friend Kevin took the first blow with a motorcycle helmet, after which Huybrechts was brutally tackled as he ran away, fell and took several more kicks. He still had the strength to get to the buses at Parking C of the Heysel, where he could receive care.

Wife Dana Verhaegen told the story on Facebook, as did darts brother Ronny.

“As many have already heard, things went seriously wrong today during the cup final,” said the Kempen native. “In a nutshell: Match end, Antwerp supporters walking along a path through a park in a crowd towards the buses. A swarm of our colored immigrant friends has gathered in the park to provoke the RAFC supporters. The line gets stuck due to the grim atmosphere. Kim and Kevin want to pass the line through an opening in the fence to get to the buses faster and are attacked from behind by Moroccans. Verdict: while Kim lay on the ground and took punches, he suffered a double fracture of the collarbone, unfortunately in his right arm.”

Return unknown

That “unfortunately” is indeed the worst thing in this case. Huybrechts’ right arm is his throwing arm. The Hurricane is therefore out indefinitely. The World Cup of Darts, where he has been a fixture for years and would play together with Dimitri Van den Bergh, seems to be going up in smoke. The ‘fortunate’ thing about it is that there are fewer tournaments on the program in the next two months. Such as only four (out of thirty) floor tournaments and two European Tour qualifiers (including the one in Antwerp).

However, it remains a guess how strong Huybrechts will return from this. His fellow commentator/trainer Erik Clarys broke his throwing arm in five places after a fall during his peak period and had to quit. “We hope that things will not go so smoothly for Kim, because you wouldn’t wish that on anyone,” said The Sheriff on Thursday evening on VTM 2 during the Premier League evening in Leeds.

For Huybrechts it is the culmination of a difficult year. At the previous World Cup the bomb exploded between him and Dimitri Van den Bergh, after which a complaint followed from the second. Later that year, things also went wrong between the Kempen native and Mike De Decker, who received a punch in the face from Huybrechts after a tournament in Germany. This resulted in a second complaint and subsequently a fine and a warning. After an inglorious exit at the last World Cup, Huybrechts has started the current season poorly. He dropped out of the top 32 in the world for the first time in years and is therefore far from assured of participation in the World Cup and other top tournaments.

