Compare your financial situation with that of your neighbor? From now on it can be done via Spendtracker | Money

Compare your financial situation with that of your neighbor? From now on it can be done via Spendtracker | Money
Compare your financial situation with that of your neighbor? From now on it can be done via Spendtracker | Money

Women go to the bakery most often. West Flemish people pay 135 euros more in fines annually than Limburgers. And last year, people over 45 spent an average of 1,220 euros on holidays. The free online tool SpendTracker offers very detailed insight into our spending patterns and looks directly at the banking transactions of more than 22,000 Belgians. How does that work? Can your bank details also be viewed? And what else can you do with the tool? Founder Xavier Laoureux explains.

Sven Ponsaerts

10-05-24, 06:00

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Tags: Compare financial situation neighbor Spendtracker Money
