Singer Martin Buitenhuis takes these albums to a deserted island

Singer Martin Buitenhuis takes these albums to a deserted island
Singer Martin Buitenhuis takes these albums to a deserted island

1. Frank Black: Honeycomb (2005)

“Frank Black became famous with The Pixies, but recorded this album solo in Nashville with well-known session musicians such as Reggie Young, Elvis Presley’s guitarist. I don’t want to fast forward any song on this record, that doesn’t happen often. I still play the album at least five to ten times a year. I don’t understand why not everyone knows this.”

2. Emil Gilels: Sonatas by Scarlatti (1955)

“I really like classical piano music. Almost only his sonatas by composer Scarlatti have been preserved. The rest of his oeuvre was probably lost in an earthquake. But those sonatas are enough to achieve immortality. Gilels’ performance is my favorite. I hear new things in it every time.”

3. The Rolling Stones: Beggars Banquet (1968)

“When I was little, I thought The Stones were a scary band. My brothers had an LP of it Goats Head Soup, with a insert poster of a severed goat’s head. I thought Mick Jagger’s voice was satanic. But Dave Rensmaag, guitarist of Van Dik Hout, convinced me that it is one of the very best bands ever. This album reminds me of my teenage years and the origins of Van Dik Hout.”

4. Maurizio Pollini: Chopin: Nocturnes (2005)

“I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to include a second classical record, but this is perhaps the most beautiful music ever made. Classical music can be interpreted in many ways, but when Pollini plays this no longer seems to apply. It’s so convincing, almost superhuman. It was also phenomenal live.”

5. The Beatles: Let It Be (1970)

“I doubt I will Nevermind of Nirvana or Harvest by Neil Young wants to choose as the last album, but it becomes Let It Be. Once, when I was young and lying in bed, I heard someone’s song downstairs Across the Universe turn. I didn’t know what I heard, so incredibly beautiful. I then listened to all the LPs in the house for two days, looking for that song. When I found it, I recognized it immediately. All the tensions within The Beatles had no influence on the end result. It shows how unapproachable natural talent is.”

On May 18, Van Dik Hout will give a concert in Afas Live. A club tour through the Netherlands will follow later this year

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Singer Martin Buitenhuis takes albums deserted island
