This is Jacqueline Govaert’s family

This is Jacqueline Govaert’s family
This is Jacqueline Govaert’s family

Eurovision songfestival

The Eurovision Song Contest! After Jan Smit announced in February of this year that he would stop as a commentator, the organization started looking for a worthy successor. They found that in Jacqueline Govaert. “I think it is a great honor to have been asked to do this and I immediately thought it was a very good idea!”, Jacqueline said in a press statement at the beginning of March. ‘My life has revolved around music and songs in one form or another for as long as I can remember. I have always followed the Eurovision Song Contest and gave cheerful comments, but at home from the couch. So it’s extra special to be able to do it from Malmö next to Cornald this year, I’m really looking forward to it!’

Woman in the commentator’s booth

Cornald Maas also said in a response that he was happy with the choice of Govaert. ‘I am very much looking forward to working with Jacqueline. She is very musical, has – I know thanks to the selection committee meetings – an open mind, can analyze well, has been following the Eurovision Song Contest for years, and also beautiful: for the first time since 1977 there is finally a woman in the Dutch commentator booth.’

Jacqueline Govaert’s family

They will certainly be proud of Jacqueline at home, but what does home mean for the singer? Govaert has been happy with her partner Ivo for years. Together they have two children, Billy and Sis. The couple is not married and Jacqueline doesn’t have to be either. She once shared with the magazine Viva: ‘Ivo would like to, but I don’t see the point in it. The idea that we have children together and are very happy, that is all that matters to me.’

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Jacqueline Govaerts family
