Students occupy city campus against war in Gaza: “As long as UAntwerp does not take action, we will remain here” (Antwerp)

Students occupy city campus against war in Gaza: “As long as UAntwerp does not take action, we will remain here” (Antwerp)
Students occupy city campus against war in Gaza: “As long as UAntwerp does not take action, we will remain here” (Antwerp)

Dozens of students gather at the University of Antwerp in the historic Hof Van Liere. They maintain a peaceful occupation there and demand an academic boycott of Israel. They reinforce their message by setting up tents on campus. “As long as the UA does not take action, we will remain here,” the students say.

“UA shame, break ties,” the demonstrators shout as they move into building C of the university towards the Agora, where they will pitch their tents. “As long as the UA does not take action and reassess its partnerships with Israeli universities, we will remain here,” say students Lien and Fero.

The initiative comes from UAntwerpforPalestine, a movement of students and academics from the University of Antwerp calling for an academic boycott of Israel. The demonstrators oppose the neutrality policy pursued by the university. “You cannot be neutral when a genocide is going on.” Since the war, the university has not taken a stand or called for a ceasefire, much to the dismay of the students.

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The article is in Dutch


Tags: Students occupy city campus war Gaza long UAntwerp action remain Antwerp
