Verbraeken, Wynants and Tielens provincial champion aspirants

Verbraeken, Wynants and Tielens provincial champion aspirants
Verbraeken, Wynants and Tielens provincial champion aspirants

Three favorites that made it. All three were born in a cycling family. In short, that is the PK for aspirants in Koersel. Champions Jorbe Verbraeken (12), Loïc Wynants (13) and Mathiz Tielens (14) may not ring a bell among the general public, but their (grand)fathers certainly do.

Let’s start with 12-year-old Jorbe Verbraeken. He is the grandson of none other than Eric Vanderaerden. The way he pulled off the PK was impressive. Every lap he sprinted hard up the sloping finish line at Koersel Kappeleke, forcing everyone to grit their teeth to stay on the wheel. When entering the final lap, Verbraeken squeezed some extra strength out of his calves and he was off.

Jorbe Verbraeken (m.) was the best among the 12-year-olds. — © Freddy Vaes

In the 13-year-old category, the title went to Loïc Wynants, who, like Verbraeken, was also provincial champion in the field this year. The son of ex-pro and current Visma Lease A Bike team leader Maarten has fast legs. As the almost smallest member of the peloton, he showed that you don’t have to be heavily built to be able to push hard on the pedals. Loic won by a wide margin from his almost one head taller teammate Kobe Cretskens.

Loïc Wynants (m.) showed his fast legs with the 13-year-olds.

Loïc Wynants (m.) showed his fast legs with the 13-year-olds. — © Freddy Vaes

Mathiz Tielens turned out to be the best among the 14-year-olds. Another person who grew up in a racing family. Papa Jimmy won numerous provincial titles both in the field and on the mountain bike. Son Mathiz already did that, but is also a great on the road. On May 1 he became national time trial champion. In Koersel he extended his title by easily beating his ten companions in the leading group. Jelle Vanhove, another member of a cycling family, deserves more than an honorable mention. He was in the lead alone for almost half a race, hoping for reinforcements that never came. That retirement blunted his speed, so he ultimately had to settle for sixth place. But the prize for most combative rider of the afternoon is undoubtedly his.

Mathiz Tielens won the 14-year-olds.

Mathiz Tielens won the 14-year-olds. — © Freddy Vaes

© Freddy Vaes

Only two girls started in this championship: the twin sisters Hanne and Lien Bleux. The former finished just ahead of her sister and therefore received a champion’s jersey.

The article is in Dutch


Tags: Verbraeken Wynants Tielens provincial champion aspirants
