AI-controlled lights for elderly care and safety

AI-controlled lights for elderly care and safety
AI-controlled lights for elderly care and safety

Nobi’s smart AI lamps bring advanced technology to the healthcare sector. These lamps not only improve the safety of the elderly in both home environments and healthcare institutions, but they also contribute to the global healthcare system. Nobi also equips the lamps with AI for fall detection and prevention. As a result, they play a key role in addressing the challenges associated with an aging population.

Flexible applications for home and healthcare institutions

Nobi’s technology is versatile, both at home and in healthcare institutions. It supports the elderly to continue living independently and safely at home through automated lighting control and monitoring.

In healthcare institutions such as residential care centers and hospitals, Nobi acts as a reliable partner for healthcare providers. The smart lights save both time and resources, while ensuring patient safety.

Extensive pretension and care options

Nobi’s AI lights play a crucial role in the care of the elderly by providing efficient fall detection. In the event of a fall, a warning is sent to healthcare providers within 30 seconds via an integrated care call system, a mobile app or the Nobi dashboard. This allows caregivers to quickly communicate with the fallen person via the lamp, which is essential for immediate reassurance and rapid assistance.

Nobi’s intelligent lamps significantly reduce the risk of falls. The lamps automatically activate light during nighttime movements, which reduces disorientation and helps prevent falls. In addition, Nobi sends alerts to healthcare providers when a resident gets out of bed during the night, which enables timely intervention. After a fall, Nobi provides insight into the cause, allowing future incidents to be prevented.

In-depth behavioral and health monitoring

The lighting manufacturer goes beyond fall detection and prevention by also offering in-depth behavioral and health monitoring. This information helps healthcare providers make informed decisions about the care needs and well-being of the elderly. In addition, Nobi integrates effortlessly with existing healthcare systems and digital patient records, making patient data collection more efficient and giving healthcare providers more time for personal care.

Nobi’s compatibility with existing healthcare technologies strengthens its position as a central hub for smart, future-oriented healthcare. These integrations significantly reduce the administrative burden for healthcare workers and improve the overall efficiency of healthcare delivery, creating more room for personal and preventive care.

Design and integration

Nobi lamps combine functionality with stylish design, allowing them to integrate seamlessly into any interior. In addition, the easy installation and maintenance of the lamps, which require only a traditional light socket and WiFi connection, provide an uncomplicated solution for modern healthcare needs.

The article is in Dutch


Tags: AIcontrolled lights elderly care safety
