Responsibility for underage rapists starts with the parents

Responsibility for underage rapists starts with the parents
Responsibility for underage rapists starts with the parents

Three years ago, a gang rape in Ghent of an underage girl from Gavere led to the victim’s suicide. Last week a girl in Kortrijk went to the police after similar incidents. She is currently receiving the necessary guidance. This (increasing) type of dramas always leads to a fire among the powerless public opinion and politicians. After the call to punish the perpetrators severely, a bitter question remains: how can this happen?

The consequences for the victim are serious. Rape undermines confidence in oneself and in others. Psychologically, this can have far-reaching consequences, with emotional and behavioral problems that continue into adult life. It will take a lot of therapy to get over this trauma. The sexual violence action plan, which the Flemish government implemented four years ago, hopefully melted away any possible waiting list.

The tragedy in Ghent was the reason for the Flemish government to significantly increase the punishment for underage rapists (yes, a Flemish competence). Depending on their age, the persons involved must stay in a closed institution for up to seven years. This involves investing in specialized help. Experts agree that sexually deviant behavior in minors is not comparable to that in adults. It would imply that the applied offender therapy significantly reduces the chance of recidivism.

Furthermore, is it no longer possible to work preventively? What drives young people to gang up on a defenseless girl? There is no shortage of theories. The internet and social media would disconnect porn and sex from any form of intimacy. Girls are presented as merely submissive and willing. Peer pressure plays a role, the feeling arises that anything goes, the other person does it too.

Young people must be supported in their development towards healthy sexual behavior, where silence does not equal consent. Undoubtedly, it remains a task for education to familiarize them with intimacy and relationships. But in any case, that responsibility first comes from the parents. They can’t help but wonder what has gotten into the minds of their children. They are not only liable for the damage suffered (therapy costs), they must be involved in their son’s recovery process.

The article is in Dutch


Tags: Responsibility underage rapists starts parents
