The Flemish Government is stepping up to the rescue for the HUIZINGEN athletics track

The Flemish Government is stepping up to the rescue for the HUIZINGEN athletics track
The Flemish Government is stepping up to the rescue for the HUIZINGEN athletics track

The Flemish Government is allocating almost half a million extra resources for the Huizingen athletics track, which has been open and unusable for months. After all, major unforeseen problems had arisen at the start of the works for the planned renovation of the track. It even looked like no more matches would ever be held in Huizingen. Neither the province of Flemish Brabant nor the city of Halle could bear the additional costs to save the track. That is why Minister of Education and the Flemish Rand Ben Weyts is now drawing additional resources from the Flemish Rand Fund, on top of the €400,000 that had previously been promised. “The track has been open for a long time now, while it is important for the entire Zenne region,” says Weyts. “Flanders is therefore making an extra effort to tackle all problems thoroughly. This way, sports can be resumed quickly and competitions can continue in Huizingen for a long time to come.”

Last year, Minister of Sports Ben Weyts invested in the renovation of 18 athletics tracks, including that of Huizingen. The plan was to provide a new top layer. The costs were estimated at approximately €660,000, of which Flanders would pay €400,000. The province of Flemish Brabant and the City of Halle also invested. However, at the start of the works, unforeseen problems were encountered: hidden beneath the former top layer, there appeared to be irregularities and errors in the slope of the track. The works were stopped. As a result, sports have not been possible in Huizingen for months. Without a structural solution, the track could no longer be homologated, meaning no more competitions could ever take place. Neither the province nor the City of Halle can bear the extra costs.

Flanders is now stepping into the breach with an additional €460,000 in additional resources from the Flemish Randfonds, on top of the previous investment. In this way, the discovered problems can be tackled structurally. The underlying asphalt layer will be completely scraped off and replaced. The athletics track can then be completely rebuilt and re-approved. Minister of Vlaamse Rand and Sport Ben Weyts can make use of the Flemish Rand Fund, because the athletics track has a supra-local importance. The slope is home to Olympic Essenbeek-Halle, but is used by many more people. The entire Zenne region has been experiencing disadvantages for months now because the slopes are open.

“We are now securing the future of the athletics track in Huizingen,” says Weyts. “The Flemish Government has created a Flemish Randfonds during this period of government, and that appears to be really necessary. We can now switch faster.”


The article is in Dutch


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