WEST FLEMISH COURSE CALENDAR. Team Jenthe (Verstraete) is counting on Nico Mattan, square rematch in Krombeke and Ruddervoorde Koerse moved (Bruges)

WEST FLEMISH COURSE CALENDAR. Team Jenthe (Verstraete) is counting on Nico Mattan, square rematch in Krombeke and Ruddervoorde Koerse moved (Bruges)
WEST FLEMISH COURSE CALENDAR. Team Jenthe (Verstraete) is counting on Nico Mattan, square rematch in Krombeke and Ruddervoorde Koerse moved (Bruges)


Elite without contract and promises in Roeselare (Sunday May 12)

What you need to know: In almost all neighborhoods of Roeselare, racing will still take place in 2024, including in Krottegem, where a rich bounty awaits.

Who to pay attention to: Cédric Defreyne is without a doubt the most regular West Flemish elite rider without a contract. Perhaps Wouter Verhulst will also make an appearance. The race in Koolskamp was 10 meters too long for him.

Practical: Start at 2:30 PM for 112 kilometers

Juniors in Ingelmunster (Sunday May 12)

What you need to know: Jenthe Verstraete’s supporters club, which finished third last weekend in Liège-Bastogne-Liège, is responsible for the provincial championship. By diverting to Oostrozebeke and Meulebeke there is still an elevation gain of 600 meters, which plays into the hands of the local climber. Former Ingelmunster player Nico Mattan gives the start.

Practical: Start at 2:30 PM for 125 kilometers

Newcomers in Torhout-Rozeveld (Sunday May 12)

What you need to know: Rozeveld is a well-known place in the cycling world. A year ago, the juniors competed for the provincial title. Tars Poelvoorde won solo ahead of Lomme Van den Meerssche and Gaetan Warnier. This time it’s the newcomers’ turn. The organizers must take into account competition from the Himmelfart Tour in Denmark, the Peace Race in the Czech Republic and the round of the Top Competition in Vorselaar. A G cycling race is also organized in Rozeveld.

Practical: Start at 3 p.m. for 66 kilometers

Girls juniors and girls newcomers in Krombeke

What you need to know: A week after the provincial championship in Adinkerke, Krombeke is the setting for the rematch. Two separate competitions are planned at the Dog School Te Lande. It is a flat circuit in which the peloton always turns to the right on a kind of square. A year ago, Anna Corvers was the best junior. Chelsey Saintobyn and Lore Willems were allowed on stage. Among the newcomers, Lotte Van Ombergen won ahead of Zita Gheysens and Auke De Buysser.

Practical: Novice girls start at 1:30 PM for 50 kilometers, junior girls start at 3:30 PM for 72 kilometers


With the Ardennes Pijl for elite and promises, the round of the Belgian Cup for elite without contract and promises in Galmaarden and the Top Competition for newcomers in Vorselaar, great appointments are planned on Sunday. There is also the Puivelde race on Wednesday. And on Friday the Ardennes Triptych gets underway.


In the shadow of the Giro, the Four Days of Dunkirk will be contested between May 14 and 19. This six-day stage competition always attracts a lot of West Flemish bread riders.
