Isabel Albers in ‘De 7 Kiest’: ‘Extreme parties are overlooked when the calculation is made’ | Dieter Dujardin: ‘Open VLD does not yet take chancellor’s bonus’


May 8, 2024
Today at

‘De 7 Kiest’ is a weekly podcast by De Tijd in the run-up to the elections. You will receive an update on the election campaign with an analysis from the experts at De Tijd.

What is in the third episode of ‘De 7 Kiest’?
In recent days, the campaign has focused on a wide variety of topics: extra vacation days, lower taxes for the lowest wages, index jumps for benefits and even limiting screen time for children.
There was some hard news on Tuesday. Then the Planning Bureau published the calculation of the plans and proposals of the political parties. How much do they cost and what do they yield?
That’s what we were talking about Isabel Albersthe general editor of De Tijd and L’Echo, and with a political journalist Dieter Dujardin, the editorial team’s budget specialist. The host is Bert Rymen.

Be sure to listen to ‘De 7 van De 7’. This is an election podcast from De Tijd in which we ask each party the seven questions that we think really matter. This time with Sammy Mahdi, the chairman of CD&V.

The article is in Dutch


Tags: Isabel Albers Kiest Extreme parties overlooked calculation Dieter Dujardin Open VLD chancellors bonus
