Another departing strongman this summer? “Best goalkeeper in Belgium” – Transfer news

Another departing strongman this summer? “Best goalkeeper in Belgium” – Transfer news
Another departing strongman this summer? “Best goalkeeper in Belgium” – Transfer news

The Belgian competition is the playing field for many strong goalkeepers. There is also one like this at Cercle Brugge.

When Bernd Storck arrived at Cercle Brugge in 2020, he already said that Warleson was a goalkeeper for the future. The Brazilian has the reputation of being a very complete goalkeeper and he is therefore expected to have a great future.

Warleson is emerging as the best goalkeeper in the Champions’ Play-offs and this has not gone unnoticed by former Cercle player and coach Jerko Tipuric, he said in an interview with the Krant van West-Vlaanderen.

When Warleson has a good day, he is, according to Tipuric, “the best goalkeeper in Belgium”. The future beckons for the Brazilian. “He already has an imposing figure. His footwork could be a bit better. Sometimes he has doubts about coming out,” he said.

Summer transfer

This should all be possible with the necessary training. “He must show more self-confidence in this. He can also become even more involved in the game by coaching preventively. You have to work hard to get there. He has that in him.”

It will not be easy for the Association to keep Warleson on board. He has been playing for Cercle since 2019, but still has a contract until 2026 and a club option for an extra year. Market value according to Transfermarkt at the moment: 3 million euros.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: departing strongman summer goalkeeper Belgium Transfer news
