Thieves damage Dieter’s (44) house, but cannot get in: “Luckily about that stick on the sliding door” (Wevelgem)

Thieves damage Dieter’s (44) house, but cannot get in: “Luckily about that stick on the sliding door” (Wevelgem)
Thieves damage Dieter’s (44) house, but cannot get in: “Luckily about that stick on the sliding door” (Wevelgem)

Femke Langedock (22) went to sleep around 9:30 PM, her father Dieter (44) and his fiancée were also just in their warm nest. However, the family from Karekietenstraat in Wevelgem did not have a quiet night.

At around 10:45 p.m., Femke was woken up by a noise. “The neighbors, I thought. But it just kept happening,” she says. “I then went to the toilet and heard even more noise. I thought it was my dad who had dropped something downstairs, but it turned out to be in his bed.”

Police quickly arrived on the scene

The three of them went down on tiptoes as the noise continued. When they opened the living room door and turned on the light, they noticed that the sliding door window had been smashed. “We immediately called the police, who arrived on the scene in two minutes.” (Read more below the photo)

When they came downstairs they immediately saw the damage. — © djr

They could only determine the damage. “They tried to get in with a crowbar. When that didn’t work, they tried to break the window with a stone from the garden.”

Cameras broken

The police left and Dieter went to the garden to get something from the car that was in the garage adjacent to the garden. “He had seen something moving on the roof. He gestured nothing, came inside, told us to be quiet, put on his shoes and stormed out. He then jumped onto the roof – how he did it, we still don’t know – and tried to catch the thief.” (Read more below the photo)

Dieter jumped onto the roof where one of the perpetrators was hiding, but he was just able to escape.

Dieter jumped onto the roof where one of the perpetrators was hiding, but he was just able to escape. — © djr

In vain, because the man – 1.80 meters tall, of medium build and dressed in a black hood – was able to escape. “We couldn’t describe much, but we suspect there were at least two of them,” says Femke. “They also knew what they were doing. They broke our two cameras, so they managed to hang them.”


The family is now measuring the damage. “There is much more damage than we first thought. They tried to get in at three places. The broken window is being replaced and we are already installing new cameras. Luckily they didn’t get in. Let that be a warning and tip. If you have a sliding door, it is better to place a stick so that it cannot open. That was our luck.” (Read more below the photo)

The broken window is now gone.

The broken window is now gone. — © djr

A blessing in disguise, because that’s what it was mainly. “We are still recovering. It is such a frightening thing to experience,” says Femke. Her dad nods. “You actually no longer feel safe in your own home. I no longer dare to leave my husband and my daughter home alone at night.”


The police are investigating this case and state that this attempted burglary was an isolated incident. “With the suspected perpetrator possibly still on site, a search was conducted in the nearby area. Unfortunately, no one was found,” said spokeswoman for the Grensleie police zone Mégane Coussaert.

The article is in Dutch


Tags: Thieves damage Dieters house Luckily stick sliding door Wevelgem
