Netflix increases subscription prices in the Netherlands and Belgium – Image and sound – News

Netflix increases subscription prices in the Netherlands and Belgium – Image and sound – News
Netflix increases subscription prices in the Netherlands and Belgium – Image and sound – News

Netflix is ​​increasing the prices of its subscriptions in the Netherlands and Belgium. This can be seen on the company’s website. The price increases apply to all subscriptions and vary between one and three euros per month.

The new Netflix rates can be seen on the streaming service’s website. A Basic subscription will cost 9 euros per month in the Netherlands, one euro more than before. The price of the standard subscription will be increased from 12 to 14 euros per month. The Premium subscription will be increased to 19 euros, compared to 16 euros previously.

Prices are also going up in Belgium, reports VRT News. A Basic subscription will also be one euro more expensive there, but will cost 10 euros per month. The price of a Standard subscription will be increased to 15 euros per month and the Premium subscription will cost 20 euros per month in Belgium. This means that all Belgian subscription prices are one euro per month higher than in the Netherlands.

The price increase appears to apply immediately to people who take out a new subscription. Existing customers will soon be informed about the price increase, NOS writes. Netflix writes on its website that it can implement price increases because it invests in new TV series and films and new features. The service last increased prices in the Netherlands and Belgium in 2021.

Netflix subscription (Netherlands) New price Old price
Basic (720p) 8.99 euros 7.99 euros
Standard (1080p) 13.99 euros 11.99 euros
Premium (4k) 18.99 euros 15.99 euros
Netflix subscription (Belgium) New price Old price
Basic (720p) 9.99 euros 8.99 euros
Standard (1080p) 14.99 euros 13.49 euros
Premium (4k) 19.99 euros 17.99 euros

The new Netflix rates in the Netherlands

The article is in Dutch


Tags: Netflix increases subscription prices Netherlands Belgium Image sound News
